How to grow indoor plants for free from cuttings

How to grow indoor plants for free from cuttings

Whether you’re living in a share house, apartment or garage behind your gran’s house, a few plants can make a room more homely.

But don’t have to spend big to start or expand a collection — with some basic materials and know-how, you can grow plants for free.

Sydney-based Laura Tjitradjaja discovered indoor plants when she moved into her own apartment.

“It’s south facing so there’s not enough sun to grow herbs, but I discovered it’s perfect for indoor plants,” she says.

Best of all, her collection cost her almost nothing.

She’s also worked out some tricks of her own.

“Polka dot plants [Hypoestes phyllostachya] don’t like to dry out so I converted a plastic egg carton into a mini hothouse, with soil and a cutting in each compartment, then you close the lid; air can get in but it makes it more humid and that seems to work better, even though there’s no drainage.”

Polka dot plants in egg carton hot house for story on indoor plant propagation
Laura’s polka dot plant plastic egg carton mini hothouse.(Supplied: Laura Tjitradjaja)

Laura is now the one giving away plants to get others started.

“I’m not sure if I’m really addicted,” laughs Laura.

“But I’ve now got a fully established neon pothos [Epipremnum pinnatum] that I grew from a stem and I think that’s great — especially when you see it in shops and see how expensive they are.”

Propagation 101: Four ways to grow new plants

Important Notice: Help Stop the Spread and Stay Healthy. (Read now)