10 of Bill Gates’s favorite books about technology

10 of Bill Gates’s favorite books about technology

And how they helped him choose this year’s list of 10 breakthrough technologies

By Bill Gates




































Sustainable Energy—Without the Hot Air

by David MacKay
If you’re interested in learning where energy comes from, how it is used, and what challenges are involved in switching to new sources, I can’t recommend this book highly enough—and it will help you get more out of the next book on my list.






Energy Myths and Realities

by Vaclav Smil
Smil convincingly argues that our present-day energy infrastructure will persist. He and I share a belief that nuclear power, which can use existing infrastructure while also reducing carbon emissions, will be an important electricity source for decades.








The Most Powerful Idea in the World

by William Rosen
For understanding how innovations change the world and evolve over time, Rosen’s comprehensive history of the steam engine is as good a book as you will find.





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